Dr Frankl suggested that a "Statue of Responsibility" be placed on the West Coast to compliment the "Statue of Liberty." This sketch in part of the the current plan. |
The story of Viktor Frankl's life is the story of Logotherapy. He was the founder of the so-called "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy," following Sigmund Freud (the will to pleasure) and Alfred Adler (the will to power). However, Dr. Frankl felt that humanity's will to have meaning was more important than pleasure and power. ["Logo" comes from the Greek word "Logos," signifying meaning, reason among other things.]
From Viktor Frankl's lead, I am suggesting the term Logotango: Tango with personal meaning and purpose.
For those interested in the background of this remarkable man and how his work and philosophy fits into tango, I have a permanent resource page that gives a larger background of Dr. Frankl and Logotango. The shorter version of this post continues below.
Logotango describes the positive and powerful influence has in many people's lives. If you are going to dance tango for more than just a fad season of you life, it will have to "survive" many things. If it has a purpose, then it will survive. I will even go so far as to say that you must dance Logotango if you wish to dance through your life. Otherwise, my guess is that someday you will be "cured" from your tango addiction (a Freudian, negative philosophy). Logotango lives on and continues to bring you and others joy. But purpose and meaning must continue to be redefined and rediscovered.
The four elements of how many people understand the meaning of life are: purpose, values, efficacy, self-worth. Baumeister and Vohs (2002) have synthesised these four factors from their interviews with many people. If you do not build these things into your tango, who will?
I will share my explanations of Logotango using the four above categories:
Purpose: I am aware of basic needs being met in tango. I need air/food/water/shelter. I get all of those at a milonga. I need human touch. I get this more than anywhere else in the world as a single man at a milonga. I need to move. All human beings would soon die if they were not allowed to move. A person would soon go mad. I could run or bike or walk, but dance is the best of all. Now, my purpose beyond some basic needs as described by Freud: My purpose in tango is to share the joy of the music with another person. They way I share this with her and she with me will be a unique experience. My purpose too is to be a part of the larger community of tango.
Values: I love the sense of culutre that counters a world without values, kindness, gentleness. The tango world has only the values I bring to it. Sure, I am influenced by what others have defined as "Tango Culutre." But ultimately, I must express my values as a gentleman and live my values of kindness. What a great community to practice these and receive these!
Efficacy: After a tanda, there is a sense that "we made it there together." What a great moment to share, over and over. I maintain efficacy by taking classes and always learning/practicing efficiency, the twin sister of efficacy.
Self-Esteem: Skill development only starts after about 700 hours of work on most skills. In tango there are skills upon skills upon skills. And they all keep returning to the basics. I have put in my 700+ hours, and this builds my sense of self-mastery. In my case, my years of musical study and practice adds another level of joy and mastery, and tango allow me to return to a part of my life that I had somewhat abandoned as a former professional musician.
Logotango is tango with meaning. The meaning must be yours. Share it with me! Perhaps it will bring meaning and purpose to my world.
Go see more about the plans for Frankl's vision of a "Statue of Responsibility" to balance off the "Staute of Liberty": http://www.sorfoundation.org/