The Three M's: Starting with eMbrace, then Movement and Music.
If the Three M's were celestial bodies in a solar system, the eMbrace would be the sun, and Movement and Music would be planets. Is it just a coincidence that people who have lots of hugs also are more resilient to viruses than those will fewer hugs, as a recent experiment demonstrated?
Biologically speaking, we start out being moved through the birth canal, being moved to the arms our mother. The eMbrace is the starting point and ending point of our lives as we melt into the body of the one who embraces us. That is our embrace. The eMbrace starts all of our love relationships. In 1998, I knew my last time with my mother would be our last earthly time together. I embraced her and told her I loved her as my last moment with her. We wept. Only months later, I embraced my second son as he came into the world. Such is the circle of life. The eMbrace is the Alpha and Omega of tango as well.