Sunday, September 12, 2021

Be Your Best, Not Hers


My goal is to be my best.

For those who do not dance, let me share a fact:  It is a rare thing to have your own partner as your favorite dancer. But let’s say that you marry your favorite dancer. What happens when another great dancer replaces you?  So it was never my goal to be my wife's best dance partner. It still isn’t. 

After years of dancing together, however, Sybille has become my favorite. We have great dances with others, and then when we reunite, we both rediscover how wonderful we are together.  It’s always a wonderful surprise. After dancing with others we return to each other as better dancers and interestingly renewed in our appreciation of each other.  

If one day Mr. Perfect Dancer comes along, I will be so glad!  She’ll tell me why he was so good. I will learn. And eventually, all my partners will notice that I have improved.

My goal is just to be my best, not her best.