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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: Resolve or Dissolve?

The Now is when we have good eye contact with the Universe

If tango is just a dance, a sport, a diversion, even a way to feel alive for the moment... then you have not yet danced the dance of dances, life's dance.  Tango allows us to touch the hem of the divine, all the while, feeling fully human and embodied as a woman or as a man.

The tango embrace allows you to desolve into the arms of God as expressed by the soul in front of you.  So my resolve for Two-Zero-One-Four is NOT to resolve but to dissolve into the embrace of the Now.

 Embracing Now

The moments I truly live in the Now are my only past.
I awake to these moments, my Forever-Now-that-Lasts.
The moments I truly live in the Now create my what's-to-come.
The past, the future are two zeros added together for a zero sum.
My future is not beyond the Now, my past does not come first.
The pause in the infinite is the Now, as wide as the universe.
The Now is God's eyes looking at us--as we finally look back.
The Now is the brightest star, deep space's darkest black.
I am dissolved into the Now, not resolved in two-zero-one-four.
Our embrace is an infinite pause, before After and after Before.

I ask: "When can I next embrace the Universe through you?"

She says, "Now."

1 comment:

  1. Mesmerizing. I only read this post yesterday. Every year, I make a New Year's resolution to dance every week, or more. Dancing the tango, with my partner has made all the difference over the past two years in making this a reality. Your post sums it up really nicely.

    la tanguerita


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